Grilled Salmon Pouches

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Morning all!
Today I am bringing you a wonderful dish that I like to make for my family often. This recipe is very versatile but I am going to show you an easy version and you can add you own-ness to it. :)
So today is all about salmon!  I make grilled salmon pouches on the regular for my family.  It is a huge hit with them and me (mainly because the clean up is so easy!).
What I do is get my simple base of salmon, lemon, butter and some quick simple spices (for the complete recipe click HERE to visit my recipe page) and put them all together in a Leaning Tower of Pisa style.

Then I wrap this little guy up in aluminum foil.  How do I do this you ask?
Well first... I fold the sides up over the top of the tower o' fish.

Then I bring the top and bottom side up to meet in the middle and fold them over and together,  Be careful not to puncture the aluminum foil as it will let the steam out while cooking and you don't want that because that is how you cook the salmon.

Then cook the salmon on the grill for about 25 minutes and voila!...

Yummy salmon!
Now I said above it is versatile and that is because you don't have to stop with these simple ingredients.  You can add things like asparagus, zucchini, cayenne, or whatever your taste preferences are.  Just note that the cook times may vary with what you put in there. 
Salmon is done when it can flake from the skin,

Happy- Healthy Eating!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this with the Let’s Get Real party. Love salmon pouches, one of my favorite Friday meals.

  2. Hi! Thanks for linking up at Diana Rambles. This looks so tasty! I would recommend that you upload larger photos so we can see your GREAT creations! I wanted to feature you, but your images are just too small. Welcome to blogging! I look forward to more content from you.
