Spring Break... T- Minus 3 Days and Counting!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

One thing that I am proud of is the job that I have.  I am a kindergarten teacher and have been one for the last 5 years.  I could tell my whole life story about it but what you need to know for now is that I do love what I do.  I love the joy that I may bring to a kid that had a really rough morning or the excitement I see in their eyes when instead of doing yet another boring assignment I break out the paints and the kids jump for joy.
Here is the thing though...
When it is the home stretch of school year, and yes I consider the beginning of March the home stretch, you start to count the days of when it is all going to be over and you dont have to get up in the morning and worry about anything other than how much lounging you are going to do throughout the day verses how much productivity you are going to do.  I am talking about summer break of course and whether you believe a teacher should have a schedule with a summer break in it or not matters none to me because all teacher deserve that break.  We have had to deal with millions of questions, tons of grading, hours upon hours of time spent out of the classroom keeping up with the latest trends in education, volunteering, marketing, open houses, etc.  Teacher deserve that break, but it takes so long to get there so what do we look forward to before than?  Spring Break!!
Spring break for my school this year is really far away, so it has been rough but we are almost there!  The light really does come at the end of the tunnel.  I have to get through today (picture day), tomorrow (conferences) and Thursday (an open house) first.
One day at a time is what they say, so today I am going to get through these pictures (which I dont want to take, at least not with me in them).  Hopefully I look presentable enough :)

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